Access Services License

Access Service License

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Access Service License Registration in India

Considering applying for an Access Service License? Look no further! Discover comprehensive details on the Access Service License, covering aspects like Validity, Guidelines, Eligibility, Fees, Required Documents, and the Registration Process. Should you require assistance or guidance in your Access Service License application, feel free to reach out to trustworthy Access Service License Consultants listed here. They can assist you in obtaining Access Service License Registration at a reasonable cost.

What is Access Service License?

In accordance with the directives from the Department of Telecommunication (DOT), a Unified Access Services Licensee is authorized to deliver both wireline and wireless services within a designated service area. The spectrum of wireless services encompasses Full Mobile, Limited Mobile, and Fixed Wireless services. Additionally, the licensee is empowered to offer various Value Added Services.

The UASL permits an access service provider to furnish both fixed and/or mobile services under a single license, employing any technology. This license facilitates the provision of both voice and internet services to clients, akin to a triple play service model, encompassing video, voice, and data (internet) offerings. Read more

What Services can be offered with an Access Service License?

Unified Access Services operators have the freedom to offer a comprehensive range of services within their designated operational area. This includes the collection, carriage, transmission, and delivery of both voice and non-voice messages utilizing the Licensee’s network, employing both circuit and packet-switched equipment.

Moreover, the Licensee is also empowered to provide Value Added Services such as Voice Mail, Audiotex services, Video Conferencing, Videotex, E-Mail, and Closed User Group (CUG) over its network to subscribers within its service area. This provision is made on a non-discriminatory basis, ensuring equal access to these services for all eligible subscribers.


For latest updates regarding Access Service License click here

Unified Access Service License(UASL) is of only One type ie.

Access Service (Telecom Circle/Metro Area)

The country is divided into 19 Telecom Circle Service and 4 Metro Service Areas for providing Unified Access Services (UASL).Company should be private limited and in MOA it should be mentioned “Telecommunication Services “

Financial Details

Minimum Equity – 2.5 Crore

Minimum Net worth – 2.5 Crore

Application Fees: 50 Thousand Non-Refundable

Entry Fee: 1 Crore

Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) – 2 Crore

Financial Bank Guarantee (FBG) : 40 Lakhs

There are 2 types of VNO UL Access Service Licenses

1) Access Service (Telecom Circle/Metro Area)
VNO Unified Access Service License (Telecom Circle /Metro circle)

The country is divided into 19 Telecom Circle Service and 4 Metro Service Areas for providing VNO Unified Access Service License. Company should be private limited and in MOA it should be mentioned “Telecommunication Services “

Financial Details

Minimum Equity – 1 Crore

Minimum Networth – 1 Crore

Application Fees: 50 Thousand Non-Refundable

Entry Fee: 50 Lakh Non-Refundable

Financial Bank Guarantee (FBG): 20 Lakhs

2) Access Service CAT B (Districts) – District Level

Company may be Private limited or a partnership firm or a proprietorship or registered on shop establishment Act or LLP

Financial Details

Minimum Equity – NIL

Minimum Networth – 5 Lakhs

Application Fees: 10 Thousand Non-Refundable

Entry Fee: 1 Lakh 65 Thousand Non-Refundable

Financial Bank Guarantee (FBG): 20 Thousand

Documents Required for Access Service License Registration

    1. Certificate of Incorporation
    2. Memorandum of Association
    3. Articles of Association
    4. Networth Certificate
    5. Equity details
    6. List of directors of the company

Access Service License – Financial Details

Access Service License - Bank Guarantee and Processing Fee Details

Access Service License – Latest Updates

Click on the link to download and view documents..

Access Service License – Latest Updates – Amendment-in-the-UAS-License-Agreement-for-Bank-Guarantees-for-UAS-License-Agreement-BG-UASL-06-10-2021

Access Service License – Latest Updates – Amendment-in-the-UAS-License-Agreement-for-change-in-FDI-in-Telecom-Sector-FDI-UASL-03-11-2021

Access Service License – Latest Updates – Amendment-in-UASL-agreement-for-Adjusted-Gross-Revenue-AGR-in-UASL-for-AGR-25-10-2021

Access Service License – Latest Updates – Amendment-in-Unified-Access-Service-LIcense-relating-to-infrastructure-sharing-and-Public-Wi-Fi-service-UASL-06-04-2021

Access Service License – Latest Updates – Amendment-to-the-UAS-License-Agreement-for-procurement-of-Telecommunication-equipment-dt-10-03-2021

Access Service License Registration Application Process

    • Fill the application form
    • Submit the application form along with the requisite documents
    • Wait for the DOT’s assessment of your application
    • Obtain the Access Service Authorization

How to get an Access Service License?

The Access Service license application is an extensive process subject to strict adherence to complete and accurate paperwork and procedure. An error in paperwork is likely to delay the process by several weeks or even months leading to loss of time and money. Hiring an experienced Access Service consultant can help you save time and efforts and get an Access Service license without a hassle in stipulated time period.

Top 5 Access Service License Consultants in India

Infinity Consultants – Call: 9999312191 –

Registrationwala – Call: 9810602899 –

Om Wireless Solutions – Call: 8048429606 –

OspConsultants – Call: 9358384635 –

Muftinternet – Call: 022 6999 9025 –

Why is it important to connect with the right consultants?

A knowledgeable and professional consultant has years of experience procuring license, registration process, preparing documents, using proper formats, avoiding common errors and supporting clients and this expertise can certainly help your business. Get License connects you with BEST consultants who know what they are doing and do it well. They deliver results. Period.

FAQs related to Access Service License Registration in India

q: What is an Access Service License, and why is it necessary?
a: An Access Service License is a legal authorization required for entities providing telecommunications services, including voice and data, in India. It is necessary to regulate and monitor the telecommunications sector.

q: Who needs to apply for an Access Service License?
a: Entities intending to offer telecommunications services, such as voice and data communication, must apply for an Access Service License.

q: What is the validity period of an Access Service License?
a: The validity period of an Access Service License typically ranges from 10 to 20 years, depending on the category and type of services provided.

q: What documents are required for Access Service License Registration?
a: Essential documents include identity proof, address proof, details of the business entity, network diagram, bank guarantee, and a fee payment receipt.

q: How much does it cost to obtain an Access Service License?
a: The cost of an Access Service License varies based on the category, service area, and scale of operations. Refer to the fee structure provided by the Department of Telecommunications.

q: Can I apply for an Access Service License online?
a: Yes, the application process for an Access Service License can often be completed online. Check with the Department of Telecommunications or designated portals for the online application process.

q: What is the eligibility criterion for obtaining an Access Service License?
a: Entities meeting the eligibility criteria, including technical capabilities, financial stability, and adherence to regulations, can apply for an Access Service License.

q: How long does it take to process an Access Service License application?
a: The processing time varies but can take several weeks to months. Timely submission of a complete and accurate application can expedite the process.

q: Is it necessary to renew an Access Service License, and how is it done?
a: Yes, it is essential to renew an Access Service License before its expiration. The renewal process involves submitting the necessary documents and fees to the Department of Telecommunications.

q: Can I seek professional help for Access Service License Registration?
a: Yes, consulting with Access Service License Consultants is recommended for a smooth and efficient registration process. They can guide you through the application, ensuring compliance and accuracy.

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Customer Reviews

Providing the right information, latest updates, helping with documentation and paperwork, applying for the license and getting it ensures customer satisfaction. Here are some reviews that underline the commitment and professionalism of these Consultants..

How to Find the Right Consultant?

    • Don’t fall into Free Consultation Trap. Some ask you to add a 5 star review to their fake business listing to make it look legit. Refuse. It will harm others.
    • Don’t trust blindly. Read Business Reviews from others. Seek References – real people with phone numbers. Call them, seek their opinion.
    • Find out if they have an office. Visit their office, meet in person, check credentials before making a decision.
    • Find out if the consultancy business is registered. Make sure, their business is legitimate! If not registered, walk away, period.
    • Avoid, random, work from home, smooth talking, self proclaimed honest story weaver consultants selling licenses for lowest prices!
    • Take your time. Compare a number of consultants before you make a decision.
    • Don’t make payment till you get your license. Have it all checked, be double sure before you make the payment.

Is it absolutely necessary to find a consultant to get a license?

No, you will find all the relevant information on this website to apply for the license on your own. Of course, it will take some effort and time to go through it, but it will save you good amount of money and also make you smarter. Remember – consultants are people like us. You can do, what they can do. Just go through the information given and apply online. It is not at all difficult.

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