What is ISP License Processing Fee and Bank Guarantee?

The ISP License Processing Fee and Bank Guarantee depends on the ISP License type you wish to apply for.

isp license


There are three types of ISP license based on areas categorized by DoT.

Based on your choice, if you want to work for All India or Pan India then you have to apply for category A, if you want to work at state level then you can apply for category B and if you want to apply for lowest level you can say district level then you can apply for category C.

The ISP License Processing Fee and Bank Guarantee is given below:

ISP License - Bank Guarantee and Processing Fee Details


Here are the latest updates regarding ISP License Registration

ISP License – Latest Updates – Amendment-in-Guidelines-for-Unified-License-Agreement-for-change-in-FDI-in-Telecom-Sector-03-11-2021

ISP License – Latest Updates – Amendment-in-the-Unified-License-Agreement-for-change-in-FDI-in-Telecom-Sector-03-11-2021

ISP License – Latest Updates – Amendment-in-the-Unified-License-Agreement-for-change-in-interest-rate-penalty-and-interest-on-penalty-on-delayed-payment-of-License-Fee-or-any-other-dues-UL-01-10-2021

ISP License -Latest Updates – Amendment-in-Unified-License-Agreement-for-Adjusted-Gross-Revenue-AGR-25-10-2021

Given below is the list of Best ISP License Consultants in Delhi NCR:

Infinity Consultants – Call: 9999312191 – https://infinityconsultants.in

Registrationwala – Call: 9810602899 – https://www.registrationwala.com

Om Wireless Solutions – Call: 8048429606 – https://www.omwirelesssolutions.co.in/

Osp Consultants – Call: 9358384635 – https://ospconsultants.com

Muftinternet – Call: 022 6999 9025 – https://muftinternet.com

Related Topics

What is ISP License?

Types of ISP License

Documents Required for Registering an ISP License

Eligibility Requirements for ISP License

ISP License Registration Fee and Bank Guarantees

ISP License Registration Process

Expert Guide for ISP License Registration

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